Suzanne offers professional creative services, all of which may be conducted in Spanish, French, German, or Italian:

University of Ougadougou Dept. of Anglophone Students learn about American Women’s Suffrage and sing, “Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?”

Suzanne both advises and leads programs to international audiences on the following topics:

  • Gender Equity
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Racism in America
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Sexual Empowerment

Grant Writing:

Fulbright Scholar reading at University of Ougadougou, Burkina Faso, 2019

Editing and Consultation:

  • Creative project consultations for books, films, scripts, etc.

Creative Writing Workshops:

  • Individual instruction or group classes

Poetry Readings:

  • “Travel with Poems from Passion Seeds: From Russia, to Slovenia, to Benin, to Burkina Faso”

Cultural Presentations, topics may include:

  • Suzanne’s life and work in Burkina Faso, West Africa
  • Countering stereotypes of Africa as underdeveloped
  • Cultural highlights of Burkina Faso, focusing on its many international cultural festivals
  • Burkinabe fashion and Suzanne’s personal collection of handmade clothes from Burkina Faso